


In Southern Yule and Lent

On 62.52.7 TRINPsite comprises 870 public files, of which approximately 674 different or 'unique' ones: 122 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 6 *.html, 409 *.HTM, 1 *Txt.htm, 6 style sheets, 8 JavaScript files, 84 pictures, 4 ikons and 34 sound files.

The only completely new document added in this period was Believing on the safe side, the seventh short story in the shape of a fictional legend. The name of this basic file is ShSt/ODay/SafeSide.HTM.

The texts in some other documents were only partially renewed. The Spelling and Stress Dictionary was extended with the lemmas for the staves |T|, |L|, |J|, |I|, |H| and |G|. The quality of some sound files was improved as well.

In Equatorial Month

On 62.29.1 TRINPsite comprises 869 public files, of which approximately 673 different or 'unique' ones: 122 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 6 *.html, 408 *.HTM, 1 *Txt.htm, 6 style sheets, 8 JavaScript files, 84 pictures, 4 ikons and 34 sound files.

The first new file added this month contains the parallel version of the children's song The Six By Six from Tale Six of Six Warlocks My Age into Zhezhong Yuyan. It can be found in the languages (Tong) directory in the ZzY/Shige subdirectory for poems. (Songs are nothing but poems suitable for singing.) In Zhezhong Yuyan the Six By Six is called Liu Cheng Liu, a literal translation. Note that the transcription of the Six By Six in Chinese characters is especially impressive as each syllable is presented by one character and all characters have the same size.

The second new file added this month is a nodal file which should eventually give access to a complete spelling and stress dictionary for This Language. The words and phrases of the |SH| stave in the Vocabulary of Alliteration were entered as the first lemmas under the letters A, C, D, F, H, I, M, P, R and S (with most of them, not surprisingly, under S or, more precisely, SH).

The new dictionary is unique in that it tells the user after each word or phrase in the standard spelling(s) which syllable or syllables receive primary or secondary stress and what the initial sound is of that stressed syllable or what the initial sounds are of those stressed syllables. (The syllables are those of the spoken language and may differ from the orthographical ones shown in a divider). The lemma is then immediately followed by links to the place or places in the Vocabulary of Alliteration where it appears together with all other lemmas with the same initial sound and stress pattern.

In Northern Lent

On 62.25.1 TRINPsite comprises 867 public files, of which approximately 671 different or 'unique' ones: 121 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 6 *.html, 407 *.HTM, 1 *Txt.htm, 6 style sheets, 8 JavaScript files, 84 pictures, 4 ikons and 34 sound files.

In this 'Northwest Quarter' of the year a new 'DNIF' directory was added to the Tong branch of files. This directory is meant for text files of the DNI Foundation itself. At the moment there are two such text files in This Language, and the full directory address is therefore Tong/ThL/DNIF/. One document highlights the main points of the Stichting's charter, that is, the Corporate Charter of the DNI Foundation. Another new document calls for future candidates for membership of the Board of the DNI Foundation.

In Northern Yule

On 62.13.1 TRINPsite comprises 865 public files, of which approximately 669 different or 'unique' ones: 121 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 6 *.html, 405 *.HTM, 1 *Txt.htm, 6 style sheets, 8 JavaScript files, 84 pictures, 4 ikons and 34 sound files.

The files Top.wml, Notes/MMo/Y56-59.wml, Poet/Poem.wml and Time/Date.wml, which provided access to TRINPsite for mobile phones, were deleted on 62.08.7. The WMLScript file for Time/Date.wml was also deleted. (Its address was WMLS/DateE.wmls.) Furthermore, the special nodal HTML file at WAP.htm in which the WAP pages were listed was discontinued.

The Sixty-Second 'Northeast Quarter' saw the creation of a new poem in both This Language and Zhezhong Yuyan: Request or Qingqiu. The twin versions of this poem are presented on separate pages with their own form analyses (Tong/ThL/Poems/Request.HTM and Tong/ZzY/Shige/Qingqiu.HTM). However, they make use of the same new background picture (Graf/Bkgr/QingQiu.gif), which shows the word qingqiu in Zhongwen characters.

The Additions and Revisions page you are reading right now was added as well. It covers the thirteenth year of TRINPsite's existence.

©MVVM, 62-63 ASWW

Additions and Revisions