  (TR)IN(P)site, 53.01.6-55.08.6      III, AddNRev/51ASWW.html
  |  Please note that all documents are/will be dated using  |
  |  a code consisting of three numbers: 12.34.5. For an     |
  |  explanation of this Year-Week-Day system click here.    |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|        A D D I T I O N S   A N D   R E V I S I O N S         |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|        Total number of files at the end of this year:        |
|        ----------------------------------------------        |
|          Plain-text files       116  Pictures    12          |
|          Non-graphic HTML files  77  Sound files  2          |
|          Graphic HTML files       6  TOTAL      213          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Late-Lent                                    |
|                                                              |
| 28: Further changes in several documents which are to do     |
|     with the introduction of graphics. New pictures include  |
|     the Wheel of the Ananorm. The poem by that name is now   |
|     displayed in a new graphic document with the two other   |
|     Wheel Poems. The Yule of the Turkeys, too, has been      |
|     upgraded in that respect.                                |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Mid-Lent                                     |
|                                                              |
| 27: Further changes in the Main Document which are to do     |
|     with the introduction of graphics. A picture of a        |
|     Nanapolarity Catena, symbol of neutralism, now provides  |
|     a link to the place in the Model where this symbol is    |
|     described, and a picture of sassafras leaves, symbol of  |
|     inclusivism, a link to the annotated poem called         |
|     "Saxifrax".                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Early Lent                                   |
|                                                              |
| 26: Changes in the Main Document which are to do with the    |
|     introduction of a graphical interface browser. Because   |
|     of this new feature links may now also be found to sound |
|     files such as the InSite Words of Welcome. At the same   |
|     time the Main Document and other InSite documents should |
|     remain readable for users of text interface browsers.    |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Equinoctial                                  |
|                                                              |
| 25: Addition of an e-text version of the Main Document with- |
|     out HTML elements but with square brackets to indicate   |
|     hypertext links. When downloaded such a version can be   |
|     read without further processing and by means of any type |
|     of word-processor.                                       |
| 24: Addition of concise history of InSite until November     |
|     50 ASWW at the end of this file.                         |
| 23: The first three divisions of                             |
|     THE DOCTRINE OF NEUTRAL-INCLUSIVITY, chapter 6 of the    |
|     Book of Fundamentals, so that all five divisions of this |
|     chapter can now be accessed.                             |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Mid-Yule                                     |
|                                                              |
| 22: New format for all nodal files of the Book of Symbols,   |
|     and addition of its last division: Ceaselessly.          |
| 21: The nodal file for State Religionism has been split up   |
|     into a smaller nodal file proper and a plain text file.  |
| 20: Addition of complete motion poem stills (automatically   |
|     stored) and additions and changes in nodal files         |
|     connecting with these poems.                             |
| 19: The paper on computer poetry has now been made           |
|     available, and the nodal file for computer poetry has    |
|     been changed accordingly.                                |
| 18: Addition of two variants of the neutralist chant to the  |
|     list of selected poems from the Model of Neutral-        |
|     Inclusivity, and changes in the nodal files between this |
|     document and the nodal file for poetry in general.       |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Early Yule                                   |
|                                                              |
| 17: Changes in the main document before the list of works.   |
| 16: Explanation of the InSite dating system in a separate    |
|     document on the first level.                             |
| 15: Complete text files of the divisions 4.1, 5.2, 5.3 and   |
|     6.2 of the Book of Symbols, and immediate connections    |
|     from the nodal files concerned (so that the reader or    |
|     browser is not forced to go to the section files first.) |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Late Lent                                    |
|                                                              |
| 14: All sections (seven text files) of                       |
|     Special Days of Suprapersonal Significance, division 2,  |
|     and Social Formulas of Observance, division 3 of         |
|     Denominational Observances, the fifth chapter of the     |
|     Book of Symbols, with the addition or revision of        |
|     several connecting nodal files.                          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|    _In May_                                                  |
|                                                              |
| 13: All sections (seven text files) of                       |
|     Catenated and Catenary Predicates, division 2, and       |
|     The Scope of Catenization, division 6 of Catenas of      |
|     Attributes and Relations, the second chapter of the Book |
|     of Instruments, with the addition or revision of several |
|     connecting nodal files.                                  |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|    _In April_                                                |
|                                                              |
| 12: The two sections (text files) of the first division of   |
|     the fourth chapter of the Book of Symbols, called        |
|     "Neutralist and Compatible Signs", as well as the        |
|     addition or revision of several connecting nodal files.  |
| 11: The file Short Notes, formerly called "Notes", has been  |
|     extended, and a new file Longer Notes has been created.  |
|     (New notes are added at the beginning of these files.)   |
| 10: Warlocks at the Door, the first short story of           |
|     Six Warlocks My Age by Vinsent Nandi.                    |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|    _In March_                                                |
|                                                              |
| 9:  Conceptual Status of Relevancy,                          |
|     Criterions of Discriminational Irrelevance and           |
|     Truth and Relevance on Principle                         |
|     (divisions 3-5 of chapter 5 of the Book of Fundamentals  |
|      of the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity, with all sections; |
|      new links to these divisions and sections from the      |
|      'TRINP' files and from the content file MNI/C.htm)      |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|    _In February_                                             |
|                                                              |
| 8:  The Neutral-Inclusive Movement                           |
|     (division 2 of chapter 6 of the Book of Symbols of       |
|      the Model of Neutral-Inclusivity, with all sections;    |
|      new direct links to this division from the nodal        |
|      'TRINP' files Incl.html and Neu.html and to its         |
|      sections from the contents file MNI/C.html)             |
| 7:  Property as a Right of Personhood                        |
|     (division 4 of chapter 9 of the Book of Instruments;     |
|      with direct link from the nodal 'TRINP' file Pers.html) |
| 6:  New format for nodal files, such as MNI/BoF/4/4.htm.     |
|     (In future all nodal files will contain a 'Downward' and |
|      an 'Upward' section. The Downward section provides      |
|      links to lower-level nodal files and, ultimately, plain |
|      text files on level VI. The Upward section provides     |
|      links to higher-level nodal files and, ultimately, the  |
|      InSite Main Document on level I.)                       |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|    _In January_                                              |
|                                                              |
| 5:  Revision of InSite Main Document                         |
|     (with new link to this file 'Additions and Revisions')   |
|     (chapter 4 of the Book of Fundamentals of the Model of   |
|      Neutral-Inclusivity, with all divisions and sections;   |
|      new direct links to this chapter from nodal files such  |
|      as the 'TRINP' file Tru.html and to its sections from   |
|      the contents file MNI/C.html)                           |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
  | From here you are given immediate upward access to:      |
  | --  Additions and Revisions                              |
  | --  the main document (on level I)                       |
DNI Foundation, Amsterdam, Neth. in@xs4all.nl, www.xs4all.nl/~in