  TRINPsite, 54.09.1-55.08.6               AddNRev/54ASWW.html
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|        A D D I T I O N S   A N D   R E V I S I O N S         |
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|     In Southern Late Lent                                    |
|                                                              |
|     On 54.52.7 TRINPsite comprises 423 public files, of      |
|     which approximately 324 different or 'unique' ones:      |
|     44 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 52 *.html, 75 *.HTM, 76         |
|     *Txt.htm, 1 *.txt, 64 picture files and 12 sound files.  |
|          The consonant staves of the Vocabulary of           |
|     Alliteration were completed with the sound |J|.          |
|          The Model section Definition and criterion [in      |
|     theories of truth] was turned from a *Txt.htm into a     |
|     graphic *.HTM file.                                      |
|          By adding new pictures at the bottom, on the left   |
|     and on the right, a greater diversity was created in the |
|     category of page-independent, noncommercial TRINPsite    |
|     fringe 'advertisements' at the top and bottom of each    |
|     document.                                                |
|          Nodal files have a light text on a dark background, |
|     while terminal files have usually a dark text on a light |
|     background. Dependent on the browser it may be difficult |
|     to print a nodal file on paper, if no special            |
|     precautions are taken. With C[ascading]S[tyle]S[heets]   |
|     it is possible to distinguish between what is shown on   |
|     the screen and what is shown on paper. It has been       |
|     decided to use this CSS system to print the text of      |
|     nodal files black on white, even tho the monitor screen  |
|     will continue to show light letters on a dark            |
|     background. CSS was already used in the main index and   |
|     Metric Calendar pages for other reasons, but this month  |
|     it was made part of other files such as the main pages   |
|     of the Model and the Vocabulary of Alliteration. If the  |
|     bottom of these pages shows the words 'Printing black on |
|     white' (or words to that effect), then your browser can  |
|     cope with CSS; if it only shows a black bar on the       |
|     screen, then your browser cannot cope with CSS and you   |
|     may not be able to get an acceptable print-out of        |
|     the nodal file in question.                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Early and Mid-Lent                           |
|                                                              |
|     On 54.48.7 TRINPsite comprises 418 public files, of      |
|     which approximately 319 different or 'unique' ones:      |
|     44 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 52 *.html, 73 *.HTM, 77         |
|     *Txt.htm, 1 *.txt, 60 picture files and 12 sound files.  |
|          One completely new document was added: the short    |
|     story Fall Day. Two poetic documents received a much     |
|     better graphic representation: Include the Neutral Name  |
|     and Tainted Tears. The essay Computer Poetry was         |
|     converted from a plain text file to a (terminal) graphic |
|     *.HTM file. Three other plain text files were converted  |
|     to the nodal *.htm format.                               |
|          For the first time a photograph (produced by a      |
|     digital camera) was inserted into a TRINPsite document:  |
|     a picture of the printed Model. Five other new pictures  |
|     were made from stills of the TRINP cube, one for each    |
|     letter of the TRINP values. They have been inserted into |
|     the respective value documents, to be accessed, from     |
|     among other places, the TRINPsite main index page.       |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Equinoctial                                  |
|                                                              |
|     On 54.40.7 TRINPsite comprises 412 public files, of      |
|     which approximately 312 different or 'unique' ones:      |
|     44 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 55 *.html, 69 *.HTM, 78         |
|     *Txt.htm, 1 *.txt, 54 picture files and 12 sound files.  |
|          Three poetry documents with a Txt.htm 'extension',  |
|     that is, hardly different from plain-text files, were    |
|     converted into graphic *.HTM files:                      |
|     Whereas Creatures ..., A Finger of Value and             |
|     The Middle Finger. The contents of the first poem were   |
|     revised, while the motion poem The Middle Finger can now |
|     be viewed in a text trailer as well, like                |
|     A Finger of Value (dependent, of course, on the browser  |
|     used).                                                   |
|          Two old TRINP cube pages, showing the TRINP cube    |
|     for a size of 312 and for a size of 616 pixels, were     |
|     replaced by one TRINP cube page that enables the visitor |
|     to view a TRINP cube of any size between 80 and 640      |
|     pixels in a separate window. This moving, interactive    |
|     TRINP cube can be used to make any number of stills with |
|     one, two or three of the TRINP letters. One such         |
|     TRINP cube still, with the letters T, R and P, was newly |
|     inserted in this document. Graphic browsers that cannot  |
|     show the moving cube, should at least show this picture  |
|     of it.                                                   |
|          Other work on TRINPsite was mainly concerned with   |
|     making the transition to its new address (www.trinp.org) |
|     as smooth as possible. For this purpose 36 pages at the  |
|     old address were given the sole function of              |
|     automatically referring the visitor to the new location  |
|     of the document asked for.                               |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Mid-Yule                                     |
|                                                              |
|     On 54.36.7 TRINPsite comprises 402 public files, of      |
|     which approximately 312 different or 'unique' ones:      |
|     44 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 55 *.html, 66 *.HTM, 81         |
|     *Txt.htm, 1 *.txt, 53 picture files and 12 sound files.  |
|          During this month the seven sections of Basics of   |
|     The Norm of Inclusivity of the Book of Fundamentals were |
|     made available in the shape of terminal *.HTM files. The |
|     division Basics itself was also added as a nodal *.htm   |
|     file from which the sections can be easily accessed,     |
|     while The Norm of Inclusivity was converted from a non-  |
|     graphic *.html into a graphic *.htm file.                |
|          New, but not unique is the introduction of multiple |
|     viewing for the main page of the                         |
|     Vocabulary of Alliteration. Especially when using a      |
|     resolution of 1024x768 it can be attractive to see the   |
|     main page on the left and one of the staves or another   |
|     linked page on the right at the same time. The           |
|     TRINPsite main index page has already had this facility  |
|     for a long time, but the design was changed, and will be |
|     the same for any page in the future.                     |
|          A small sound file was added to announce an         |
|     announcement while loading the main index document. The  |
|     announcement contained the most important news of this   |
|     month: that TRINPsite will be having its own domain from |
|     now on. From 54.33.6 TRINPsite`s new, main address is    |
|                          www.trinp.org                       |
|     The old address www.xs4all.nl/~in will still be used for |
|     the Vocabulary of Alliteration and a number of large     |
|     sound files. The transition from the old to the new      |
|     location should be a smooth one. For the time being      |
|     those using the old address should not face any problem, |
|     but in the near future old files other than the ones     |
|     mentioned above will be deleted from the 'in' location.  | 
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Equatorial and Southern Early Yule                    |
|                                                              |
|     On 54.32.7 TRINPsite comprises 391 public files, of      |
|     which approximately 303 different or 'unique' ones:      |
|     42 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 56 *.html, 59 *.HTM, 81         |
|     *Txt.htm, 1 *.txt, 53 picture files and 11 sound files.  |
|     In this period 3 more nodal files were converted from    |
|     plain-text *.html to graphic *.htm: MNI/BoF.htm,         |
|     MNI/BoI.htm and Poet/ComP.htm. 8 more terminal files     |
|     were converted from plain-text *Txt.htm to graphic       |
|     *.HTM. 2 new Vocabulary of Alliteration files were       |
|     added: those for the staves |DH| and |TH|.               |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Mid- and Late Lent                           |
|                                                              |
|     On 54.19.7 TRINPsite comprises 387 public files, of      |
|     which approximately 300 different or 'unique' ones:      |
|     38 *.htm (not *Txt.htm), 60 *.html, 48 *.HTM, 89         |
|     *Txt.htm, 1 *.txt, 53 picture files and 11 sound files.  |
|     Before and after this date several files were converted  |
|     from *Txt.htm to *.HTM: MNI/BoF/4/1/1.HTM and 4/1.HTM,   |
|     BoI/4/1.HTM and BoS/4/1/1.HTM. Moreover, MNI/BoS.html    |
|     was converted from plain-text to graphic MNI/BoS.htm.    |
|     The latest additions to the Vocabulary of Alliteration   |
|     have been the sounds |I| and |SH|.                       |
|          In the last week of Lent work is started on the     |
|     creation of the first, general TRINPsite guestbook.      |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Late Yule and Equinoctial                    |
|                                                              |
|     No truly new documents were added in these months. Yet,  |
|     it was an important event that in this period all text   |
|     documents were finally converted into HTML documents,    |
|     that is, files with the extension *.htm, *.html or       |
|     *.HTM. (Only intext.txt remains a plain-text document,   |
|     but this file is specifically meant for text browsers.)  |
|          While TRINPsite's present address is still          |
|     www.xs4all.nl/~in, the nucleus of the site will be moved |
|     to www.trinp.org in the near future. The two sound files |
|     Sound/ToAnanda/ToA1RRa.wav and                           |
|     Sound/WhlPoems/Whl3RWi.wav will stay behind at the old   |
|     address, and probably the whole Vocabulary of            |
|     Alliteration as well, including the introductory page.   |
|     Because of this separation, which is based on the disk   |
|     space allocated by the provider and the amount of        |
|     traffic generated by the several files, the management   |
|     of TRINPsite links is becoming more complex. This        |
|     demands special attention, even tho TRINPsite does not   |
|     have and will not have any link to an external address.  |
|          As preparations are under way for a new, TRINP      |
|     address the lists of files have been updated. On 54.17.1 |
|     TRINPsite comprises 385 public files, of which           |
|     approximately 298 different or 'unique' ones: 38 *.htm   |
|     (not *Txt.htm), 60 *.html, 43 *.HTM, 92 *Txt.htm, 1      |
|     *.txt, 53 picture files and 11 sound files.              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Early and Mid-Yule                           |
|                                                              |
|     The reader or browser can now access 16 staves in the    |
|     Vocabulary of Alliteration, the latest addition being    |
|     the sound |B|. The main page of this dictionary does not |
|     only provide direct links to all staves but also to the  |
|     Aural analysis of the song Ananda, a new document. There |
|     is another such link to EyeRhyme, an old poem which is   |
|     now presented in a graphic format and in an improved     |
|     version.                                                 |
|          An entirely new poem is Billbodies, which has been  |
|     added in a graphic format as well. All other changes     |
|     concern documents which already existed before the       |
|     beginning of the new year.                               |
|          There are various small changes in contents.        |
|     However, most time-consuming were the alterations        |
|     necessary to make TRINPsite documents acceptable to      |
|     users of the latest version of Netscape. One of the      |
|     problems with that browser is that it cannot cope with   |
|     the backgrounds of tables within tables. Tables with     |
|     their own background pictures are frequently used in     |
|     TRINPsite documents because of their attractive          |
|     appearance, at least, if using Internet Explorer.        |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
  | From here you are given immediate upward access to:      |
  | --  Additions and Revisions                              |
  | --  TRINPsite index (on level I)                         |
DNI Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands            www.trinp.org/